The Last Page of a Book
編制:Bee(vocal), Emily(vocal+guitar), 徐偉挺(guitar), Harry(piano), Tootle(percussion),阿總(Bass)
在生活很辛苦的時候,朋友親手縫製 了一個筆記本給我,我把他用來記錄做音樂的內容,不知不覺好像當成是解答真愛的許願儀式,2.3年來也就不知不覺寫到了書本的最後一頁,回顧所有與人的交會相遇都是那麼的神奇。書本的最後一頁也同時雙關著聖經的末篇啟示錄22章17節,也作為歌曲最尾聲的呼喊。
I've been waiting from morning to dusk
I'm now here on the last page
that reminds me of the time
a letter you wrote me
a poem that rhymes
to fulfill the best end
with a song I will write
about love, I wonder what is there to say
be it fiction or music even all kinds of art
but compromises are the best we got
then dissatisfaction remained in heart
until the day I recognize
that things collide only when it’s granted
the sky adores when the bad thoughts are saying ‘goodbye’
cause you’ve loved me even if I didn’t know you at all
somehow, sometimes, I reminisce
the gloom, the glitter
we’ve seen everything
but would they become crystal clear
I know I could
As long as you’re with me
until the day I recognize
that things collide only when it’s granted
the sky adores when the bad thoughts are saying ‘goodbye’
cause I’d been missing you although I thought l was alone
Now you say come and let me say it too
Then I will run and chase it with all my youth
Now you say come and let me say it too